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Art of metallography

To visitors: Why was this site created?

My professional interests lie in the sphere of metallography.

METALLOGRAPHY is a part of metal science that describes the change in the structure of metals and alloys depending on their chemical composition and processing conditions. The main tool of metallography is optical microscopy.

Metallography primarily deals with obtaining images of real structures of metallic materials, as well as their descriptions. Photographs of structures are always given in reference books and atlases. Now the situation has changed, and people begin to web-search for metallographic data.

Nowadays the Internet is the biggest source of information. In this regard, it is important how exactly the information is presented both from the qualitative and quantitative sides.

In the Russian-speaking part of the Internet the information on metallography is represented mainly by copies of books published long time ago. The quality of their images is low. There are only a few websites dedicated to the structure of metals and alloys. Students and specialists are in clear need for adequate and up-to-date metallography information.

Therefore, on this site I will cover:

  • Photographs of the microstructures of metals and alloys and their description;
  • Methods of microscopic examination of materials;
  • Issues of quantitative analysis of structure images;
  • Publications;
  • Information for students studying metallography;
  • Information for specialists.